Lynchburg Police Foundation

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Sponsor the 2022 Awards Banquet

The Lynchburg Police Department puts on an annual awards banquet to recognize excellence in officers, staff, and citizens.

This event is important to the police community to come together and bring attention to all the great work done over the year.

The Lynchburg Police Foundation is proud to support this event through funds to reduce the costs for officers and staff to attend and funds for food at the banquet. It is important our community supports events like these to ensure the police community can continue to encourage excellence.

Dinner is on me!

Would you like to say thank you to the men and women of the Lynchburg Police Department who work day in and day out protecting our city and keeping our families safe?

Your donation will not only buy dinner but also send a message of gratitude to these faithful; public servants who often go unrecognized.

The Lynchburg Police Foundation is sponsoring the Department’s Annual Awards Banquet in on behalf of a grateful community to honor these extraordinary police officers.

Sponsor Levels


Pay for an Officer and guest ticket to enjoy dinner and the event.


Table Sponsor — your name or business listed in the program and on a table at the event as the sponsor.


Presenting Sponsor — recognition all programs, notices, presentations, tables, and more.


Signature Event Sponsor — recognition in all materials, tables, promotional banner, and recognition from the podium during the ceremony.

Become a sponsor now

At any donation level, you are sending a strong message of support to our police officers and recognizing the sacrifices they make and the risk they take every day.

You can donate online using the form on this page. If you prefer to donate by check, you can mail it or drop it off at the Lynchburg Police Department front desk.

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Please note this event is not open to the public and sponsors cannot attend. You or your business will be recognized at the event for sponsorships.