About the Lynchburg Police Foundation
Our Mission
The Lynchburg Police Foundation was created to foster a mutually beneficial relationship with our community and promote excellence in police services by delivering on the following:
Provide resources to the Lynchburg Police Department, including seed money, equipment and in-kind services, to provide advanced training and encourage the development of innovative programs and projects.
Recognize Department members and citizens of the City of Lynchburg by rewarding and promoting outstanding performance throughout the Department and community.
Promote and encourage citizen involvement in the activities of the Department through increased communications and prioritization of police services.
Provide assistance and support to those serving as police officers in the City of Lynchburg by increasing public awareness of the role of police officers in modern society.
Our Strategy
By achieving its mission the Lynchburg Police Foundation will enable the Lynchburg Police Department to better serve the community by:
Being responsive to citizen’s concerns through an open dialog and feedback regarding efforts to resolve issues.
Projecting a professional image through frequent, positive interaction with members of the community.
Soliciting input and assistance from citizens to jointly develop innovative police activities which impact the quality of life within their neighborhoods.
Participating in programs that share responsibility with businesses and citizens in the most efficient delivery of police services to the community.
Recognizing and encouraging outstanding efforts by citizens and police personnel.
Our Organization
The Lynchburg Police Foundation is comprised of business leaders and citizens who support the Lynchburg Police Department by:
Acting as an advisory board regarding professionalism within the Department
Promoting citizen involvement in police activities
Soliciting and managing community-generated funds
The foundation is managed under the direction of a Board of Directors consisting of nine individuals elected or appointed under the terms of its articles of incorporation.
A Deputy Chief of the Lynchburg Police Department serves as a liaison to the Board.
There is no paid staff or compensation provided for serving as a member of the Board. All contributions to the foundation are distributed in support of the mission with the exception of minimal administrative costs (bank fees, printing and mailing costs).