Officer of the Month - August 2022
The Foundation is happy to be able to provide a cash award on behalf of the citizens of the City of Lynchburg to the August 2022 Officer of the Month: Officer Takacs.
“From July to August 2022, the School Resource Officer Unit was tasked with completing a comprehensive safety assessment of the Lynchburg City Schools.
As a result of this assessment, Officer Takacs took on additional duties. He implemented physical and digital processes and changes to expedite LPD’s response to all city school facilities. This included information transmission, access control measures, and improving communication.
Officer Takacs also created a presentation outlining these changes which he presented to all Field Operations and the Crime Investigation Division.
Officer Takacs is commended for his dedication to duty and being willing to take on a long and detailed project outside his normal working hours. This project will ultimately make our schools safer and officers more prepared for emergencies.”
The Foundation thanks Officer Takacs for his hard work and focus on school safety.
Donors to the Foundation allow us to continue to recognize our Lynchburg officers on behalf of our fellow citizens.