Professional Staff of the Quarter

The Foundation is happy to be able to provide a cash award on behalf of the citizens of the City of Lynchburg to the Professional Staff of the Quarter: Carla Smith.

During the month of August, Ms. Smith received an email after hours requesting incident reports and calls for service records related to an ongoing community safety concern involving a local business. The substantial number of records being requested were needed the next day for a court hearing. The nature of the request was extremely time sensitive and required that Ms. Smith complete thorough redactions of each document to ensure the protection of confidential material. By early the following morning, Ms. Smith had already worked through at least half of this arduous task. She diligently completed the remainder of the collation and redaction of all of the records that day. Ms. Smith’s prompt action and thorough attention to detail allowed the appropriate documents to be presented to the court for consideration in an ongoing community concern. Her contribution was a significant part of our success in securing a court order to protect the citizens of Lynchburg. Ms. Smith is commended for her diligence, focus, and attention to detail in preparing a large number of records for an urgent request.
— Lynchburg Police Department

The Foundation thanks Ms. Smith for her dedication to the citizens of Lynchburg and the Police Department.

Donors to the Foundation allow us to continue to recognize our Lynchburg Police Department professional staff on behalf of our fellow citizens.


Hill City Pub Raffle


Officer of the Month and Quarter — September 2022