Officer of the Month - November 2024 and Fourth Quarter 2024

The Foundation is happy to be able to provide a cash award on behalf of the citizens of the City of Lynchburg to the Officer of the Month and Fourth Quarter 2024: Sgt. Rodes.

In a career spanning three decades, Sergeant Todd Rodes has interacted with countless people. The nature of being a police officer means many of these people were having the worst day of their lives, and for one mother in August 2009, she was living a parent’s worst nightmare.

Fifteen years ago, Sergeant Rodes was working as a detective in the Criminal Investigations Division and was assigned a case investigating the sexual assault of a juvenile. Statements from the victim and the victim’s parents indicated the abuse took place at their church’s daycare center. During the course of Sergeant Rodes’ investigation, it was determined multiple families were impacted by the offender’s actions, with more parents identifying signs of sexual abuse. Thanks to Sergeant Rodes, the perpetrator was convicted, bringing closure to the families whose children had been victimized.

Last month, the same mother wrote a letter to Sergeant Rodes, to thank him and remind him of the tremendous impact his efforts had on bringing her family peace. This letter serves not only as a testament to the work of Sergeant Rodes, but also an example of the influence a police officer can make in the lives of those they swore to protect and serve.

For his successful investigation of a heinous crime and the impact felt now, almost two decades later, Sergeant Todd Rodes is recognized as the November 2024 Officer of the Month. Thank you, Todd, for your years of dedicated service and for your exemplary efforts which left a lasting impression on an entire community.
— Lynchburg Police Department

The Foundation thanks Sgt. Rodes for his support for his team and mentoring new officers in the LPD.

Donors to the Foundation allow us to continue to recognize our Lynchburg officers on behalf of our fellow citizens.


Emergency Communications Officer of the Quarter - Forth Quarter 2024 - Temerrian Williams


Commemorative Tiles Distributed